Saturday, November 21, 2009

Enormous Jellyfish Swarms in Warming Seas

In Kikonogi, Japan, a giant jellyfish known as the Nomura Jellyfish populates northwest Japan's Wakasa Bay. The jellyfish are dark orange and the size of a small refrigerator. Fisherman are terrified to even go near the water and the jellyfish are killing all the sea bass and mackerel they need as food. Scientists studied that because of the climate change on Earth over the years, 2,000 jellyfish species are spreading out to different seas that used to be cold but are changing. Taiichiro Hamano, 67 said, "Once considered a rarity occurring every 40 years, they are now an almost annual occurrences along several thousand miles of Japanese coast and far beyond Japan." Jellyfish keep getting caught in fishing nets and kill all the fish around them with their venomous stingers. This is bad because fishers need fish to make money and feed their families. A bigger problem is that the waters are warming. This is bad because jellyfish and other warm water predators are coming to (used to be) cold waters. What we need to do is help the waters that need to be cold, stay cold is to recycle, never throw any garbage in the ocean, and always be aware that we are killing the earth every time we leave the water running or a light on. This way, we can keep jellyfish where they need to be and not over-populated. I believe that these jellyfish are really dangerous and it would be scary to find them in our ocean. I also want to help those fisherman that need to get mackerel and sea bass for money and food. PLease help our world and be aware of our world at risk. We shouldn't have to kill these jellyfish but we can help them stay where they need to be.

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