Monday, January 11, 2010

Pocket Heat App on iPod Touch or iPhone

When looking at Apple, you would never think they would go this far. The iPod has just invented a Pocket Heat app for iPhone's and iPod Touch's. This app cranks up the Central Processing Unit(CPU) on the iPod which means it makes the iPod work really hard and get hot. Hence, the heat warmer! For $0.99 that is pretty good. I don't know if I could trust the Pocket Heat app though because it loses battery way too easily and it might not work. This weird app can only be used in 32 to 95 degrees weather or something bad might happen to it. Problems that might caused by this app are lose of power and Wi-Fi problems. I personally think it is dangerous for your iPod/iPhone and it might break it. Also, I don't think it is healthy for anyone to be holding it because the power it gives off might be dangerous. I am really tempted to buy it this app to see how it works but many people say it just gives off a warming glow. I would much rather wear gloves a hat and a jacket.

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